
Saturday, February 26, 2011

Quizilla 2


muzik latar: fireflies by owl city

Do you feel lost in life???

The result:
There's two paths infront of you... ( yeah, seems to be right!, one is laptob (do my job) n the other is bed (just sleep n ignore everything!! whoaaahaha)
There's two roads infront of you, one is a boring old road, but it leads to your destination faster. The other road is a much, much longer road, but it's filled with beautiful roses & trees. (thats why la it takes so long, sbb ade bunge2, pokok2 comey.. n i like natures.. hehe) You don't really care which road you take as long as you reach your destination. You are willing to fight back if anything goes bad. ( yeah!! ak ade silat taw, ak akn fight sape2 yg lawan ak!! ;P ) Life is a handful for you, but you try your hardest to make it smoother.

p/s: I am kompius, so please guide me if i'm at the wrong road..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sketch 2

muzik latar: DalamMihrabCinta by Afgan

Time: 1.00pm
Sketch by: me
Coloured by: My cousin, Munzir
Mood: nak jadi gadis solehah :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

just enjoy the show!


muzik latar: The Show by Lenka

still ice cream is the best thing when enjoy the show~

 Dah lama x mengupdate blog.. ak dah janji nk update sal sulawesi selatan part 2 kan..?.. hehe.. nanti2 lah ak sambung yep.. sem nih amat crucial bagi ak.. dah la crucial, pening lagi mengkompiuskan.. ini semua gara2 sistem utp yg berubah ntah pape disebabkan budak2 engine lah ni.. (eih, geram ak ngn budak engine nih)

 Bulan september nih ak dah intern.. kpada budak2 luar utp, intern itu dalam bahasa jepun nye ialah praktikal. intern 8 bulan, then tahun depan siap boleh pilih ag, either nk grad tahun depan atau nk grad tahun 2013.. buat lah pilihan yg bijak ye rakan2.. Then, yg kompius nye, intern bulan 9, adeke company nk amek kerja? sbb most of the company only buat interview 2 kali setahun iaitu, bulan 4 n 12.. so, apakah...? 

 Sem ni jgklah setiap course ade projek..ak amek 6 course, so, ade 6 projek still pending.. tiap2 minggu ade assignment.. nih poning jgk nk memikirkan tajuk projek SE (software engneering) ak nih.. sesiapa ade idea? tulun lah ak~ proposal dah nk kene antar.. projek pun tataw lah nk buat ape.. naseb baek projek IP (internet programming) dah ade idea nk buat ape.. hehe.. idea je bnyak, buatnya tataw lah buleh ke x.. dengan HCI(human computer interaction) nye banyak presentation n setiap minggu ade kuiz.. memang x de can utk ak ponteng klas.. skali lagi adeyh..

 Citer sal event lak.. emmm, x yah citer lah.. tu pilihan ak utk berevent.. kalu ak busi, itu salah ak.. k, abah pun dah marah ak.. nk drop sume event ni kang x bertanggunggjawablah plak.. pantang ak buat kerja x abes.. nk mengadu pun.. adeyh.. aku yg mulakan, jadi ak yg kene abiskan. stop.

 Cuti semester ak yg terakhir ialah sem lepas.. bermakna sudah tiada cuti semester dalam kamus idup ak lagi.. hukhuk..ak akan duduk kat utp ni sampai ak pergi intern, then balik intern terus sambung blaja 2 atau 3 semester lagi tanpa cuti.. then grad.. mak aihhh, cepatnye jadi tue.. 

 Kesimpulannnya, blog ak akan bersawang dgn agak lama lah yep.. kalu ak rase cam nk gile, ak update lah blog ni. tp most of the time ak cool2 jek, so paham2 lah.. hekhek. k, just enjoy the show~