
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Quizilla 3

muzik latar: Everything's okay-Lenka

Are you a Magazine, Newspaper or Book?

I got neswpaper

The result: You enjoy order and structure..(enjoy ke? buhsan la x da doodle) You are a people - pleaser (bodek org ? sometimes yea, hukhuk) and like to capture life little moments (Yeah, life is so unique..betul) and connect with those around you. (macam nak connect kan 7segment kat bread board ke?? pening eh projek microP -.0) You are really concerned with living in the moment and think less about the future (pening ah kepala pikir sal masa depan.. just follow the flow buleh x? cam x da cita2 lah pulak ak neh..hmm). You are very honest and straight -forward and say things as you see them (sbb abah saya ajar masa saya kecik supaya jgn menipu.. cakap yang benar~) . Always be yourself! (oraitttt)

 Again quizilla!! haha.. sometimes, this crazy thing is fun!...betul.

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